• Register for our new class at 28th St Park in San Diego, CA

  • Register for our new classes in Ocean Beach with Ashley Smallwood

  • We partner with schools & our local community to offer martial arts programs and events in San Diego, CA

  • We help kids become more confident, focused, and aware of their bodies. We help coaches become better leaders. We help members of our community fall in love with martial arts.

  • Our team consists of experienced martial artists and teachers who want to give back to their community!

Upcoming Classes, Camps & Events

  • 28th St Park

    Starts 1.11 | 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM

    Work with Coach Sky to get better at Muay Thai. Open to ages 7 to 11.

  • Carmel Knolls

    Starts 1.15 |2:15 - 4: 00PM

    Work with founder Coach Margaret! Now offering a class for students ages 4 - 6.

  • Ocean Beach

    Starts 1.13 | Mon, Wed, & Fri

    Register for our classes at Setting Sun Dojo Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Our Partnerships

  • We offer 27 classes across 12 sites throughout the La Mesa Spring Valley School District.

  • We have offered classes as part of enrichment for the Del Mar schools for the past 3 years.

  • We have partnered with a variety of private schools in San Diego such as Village Gate Academy, Gillispie School, Del Mar Pines Elementary, and more!

  • We partner with Pacific Coast Academy to offer our classes for homeschool families and students.